If Clause Type 1 (1. Tip Şart Cümleleri)
True in Present or Future
İçinde bulunduğumuz anda ya da gelecekte, belli bir koşulla yerine gelebilecek olayları anlatmak için kullanırız.
Şart cümlelerinde iki kısım vardır: Birinci kısım “if-clause” (şart cümleciği), ikinci kısım “main clause” (ana cümle)dir. 1. Tip şart cümleleri, şimdi veya gelecekte ne olacağını göstermek için kullanılır. Yapı şu şekildedir: Şart cümleciği geniş zaman olurken, ana cümle geniş zaman, gelecek zaman ya da yardımcı fiil (can, could, should, must, have to, may, might, will, vb.) kullanılmış bir cümle olabilir. Şart cümleciği ana cümleden önce veya sonra gelebilir. Eğer şart cümleciği cümle başında kullanılmışsa, cümlecik bitiminde mutlaka virgül kullanılmalıdır.
Kullanım Şeması
If Clause (If’li Cümle) Main Clause (Temel Cümle)
If he doesn’t hurry, he will be late
Type I
If Clause (If’li Cümle)
Main Clause (Temel Cümle)
Present or Future Possibility
Simple present
Present Perfect (have+Verb3)
Present Continuous Tense
can, may (izin)
may , might, could (olasılık)
must, have to (zorunluluk)
should, had better, ought to (tavsiye)
Imperative emir
v If we go by train, it will be cheaper. [a1]
v If he doesn’t hurry, he will be late.[a2]
v If the weather is rainy, we will stay at home. [a3]
v Who will you invite if you give a party? [a4]
v You should press the alarm button if there is a fire. [a5]
v You can go out if you don’t have to study.[a6]
Temel Cümle (Main Clause) ile Kullanılan Yapılar
v If he's late again, I'll be very angry
v If he is accepted, he will be studying in Atlanta next year.
v If they begin now, they will have finished their term paper next month
Can/ May(izin)
v She can / may leave early if she’s finished her work?
May, might, could (Olasılık)
v If the president doesn’t come to the meeting, we may/ could/ might cancel it
v I might come and visit you in America next year, if I save enough money
must, have to (Zorunluluk)
v You must / have to study hard if you want to pass the exam.
v If you are late, you must take a taxi.
Should, had better, ought to (Tavsiye)
v If you're annoyed with him, you should / ought to / had better tell him
v You should change subway at Kızılay if you're going to Aşti
Imperative Emir Cümlesi
v If the TV doesn’t work, push this botton[a17] .
v If you haven’t decided on a vacation yet, go to Kuşadası.
v Please exchange these shoes if you are going to the mall.[a19]
If’li Cümlede (If Clause) Kullanılan Yapılar
Simple present (Geniş Zaman)
v If he doesn’t hurry, he will be late.[a20]
Present Perfect (have+Verb3)
v If you haven’t decided on a vacation yet, go to Kuşadası.[a21]
v She can leave early if she’s finished her work?
Can (Yetenek)
v If I can save enough money, I might come and visit you in America next year.
v If you can speak English, you will find jobs easily.
Should (Olasılık)
Olasılığın az olduğu durumlarda kullanılır.
v If anyone should ask for me, I'll be in the manager's office[a25] .
v If you should ever need anything, please don't hesitate to callt me
Present Continuous Tense (Şimdiki Zaman)
v If you are seeing the doctor at 10:00, you’ll need to leave now.
v If she is studying in her room now, I will be very happy.
v If the system is working with any problem, you may leave